Finally, make certain to remove the “Shortcut To” from the name (including removing the spaces), leaving the folder shortcut named STEAM - Moving the STEAM directory after installation (Mac) 1. Next, copy the shortcut to C:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics 4.

Next, right-click the STEAM folder in the new location to create a “Shortcut To STEAM” 3. Due to the streaming requirements, a Solid State Drive is recommended 2. This can be another drive partition, a secondary internal drive or an external hard drive.

Drag or copy the STEAM folder from your installation drive (C:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics) to the hard drive location of your choice. KeyGen Use the KeyGen to generate the Response code - Moving the STEAM directory after installation (Windows) 1.

AU Plug-In Place the pre-patched AU plug-in file to «Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components», and replace existing file that got installed with the software update 5. VST Plug-In Place the pre-patched VST plug-in file to «Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST», and replace existing file that got installed with the software update 4. Software Updates Install the Software update 3. Spectrasonics Place the «Keyscape» folder to «Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics/STEAM» 2. KeyGen Use the KeyGen to generate the Response code - Mac: 1. VST Plug-In Place the pre-patched VST plug-in file to your VST folder, and replace existing file that got installed with the software update 4. Spectrasonics Place the «Keyscape» folder to «C:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics\STEAM» 2. 64-bit host HOW TO INSTALL: Windows: 1.AU, VST 2.4 or AAX-capable host software.80 GB of free hard drive space (30 GB for lite install) Mac Users:.2.4 GHz Intel dual core processor or higher (i7 recommended).Spectrasonics - Keyscape v1.1.2c VSTi, RTAS, AAX, AU (Win/Mac) Release Date: Version: 1.1.2c Developer: Spectrasonics Developer site: Spectrasonics Format: VSTi, RTAS, AAX, AU Bit: 64bit VERSIONS: Keyscape: Software: 1.1.2c Patch Library: 1.3c Soundsource Library: 1.0.2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL USERS